New Federal Research – Subsidizing Pharma

New Federal Research – Subsidizing Pharma by Stephen N. Xenakis, M.D., Brigadier General (Ret), U.S. Army   The National Institutes of Medicine is proposing to launch a new federal research Center to help develop medicines (The New York Times, January 23, 2011). Dr. Francis S. Collins, the Director of the NIH, remarks that the “drug industry’s research productivity has been declining for 15 years, ‘and it certainly doesn’t show any signs of turning upward.’” Dr. Collins had directed the Human Genome Project for years at the...

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IEDs, Alzheimer’s, and National Defense

IEDs, Alzheimer’s, and National Defense                  By Brigadier General (Ret) Stephen N. Xenakis, M.D.   Sandra Day O’Connor and Maria Shriver have called for a 10 year plan to defeat Alzheimer’s disease–“our generations defining challenge.” Invoking the visionary leadership of both John F. Kennedy & Ronald Reagan, they spotlight the National Alzheimer’s Project Act as the greatest public and financial health issue of our time. No doubt our country needs the push as millions of baby boomers age into...

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Agent Orange De Ja Vu

Agent Orange De Ja Vu             BG (Ret) Stephen N. Xenakis, M.D.   The New England Journal published findings this week that confirm damage to the brain from IED blasts suffered by soldiers in combat. In a companion editorial, a Harvard neurologist exhorts that this problem deserves “the utmost attention.” On a Sunday talk show over Memorial Day, a senior Army leader placed his emphasis on more research into the conditions. The veterans who also appeared complained about the hurdles they must overcome to get treatment. Good...

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PTSD: Beyond Best Practices

A large proportion of my clinical practice and research involves patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other sequelae of stress and war, including service members with combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, detainees in Guantánamo, and others victims of torture, abuse, and cruel treatment. These cohorts are part of a broader population of trauma survivors for whom existing treatments and treatment delivery systems are often ineffective. Traditional therapies for PTSD and the many neuropsychiatric conditions associated with...

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